Zoorags™ Velvet 'Cat ears' Durag

$75.00 - $80.00
  • Zoorags™  Velvet 'Cat ears' Durag

This Line of Durags is for the bold and quirky or the trendsetting few that never follow the 'norm'. Be outstanding or just show a little bit of your personality. Whether you're a bold glamour beauty, a subtle Cosplayer with your own take on style or a Street-Fashion forward beast add a few Zoorags™ to your everyday look.

Luxurious Velvet Fabrics Quality

💧 LOCK IN MOISTURE - The premium silky polyester liner effectively locks in moisture and will not absorb all of your wave grease or hair products, this allows your hair products to be as effective as possible for the

Ultimate Compressions for Laying edges and wave retention.

One Size Fits All